Zervopoulos Nikolaos - Homeopathic


Mr Zervopoulos Nikolaos has graduated as a Homeopathic and received the grade of 9,6 (Excellent). Moreover he has completed successfully the course for Medicine Studies which is required for the Diploma of Homeopathy Science ,certified by the Ministry of Education in Greece. Mr Zervopoulos is a member of the Association of Homeopathics in Greece. He has been trained and certified on the Quantum Biofeedback. Additionally he has been participating in various educational courses, updating his knowledge on the recent recearch developments and enriching his skills in the context of continuous training.

Mr Zervopoulos Nikolaos applies Biophysics on Homeopathy through Quantum Biofeedback, dealing with patients as a whole (holistically).

The main targets of curing methods:


Homeopathy is a natural curing system that treats mildly, permanently and without any side effects.

Homeopathy is targetting to the empowerment of human's organism by energising its defensive mechanism and restoring his disturbed health.

Finally Homeopathy treats acute and chronic diseases covering a wide range of human pathology.

Zervopoulos Nikolaos - Homeopathic


Quantum Biofeedback is considered to be a painless, non-intervening and alternative treating method that focuses on human's energy and targets to the re-coordination of his energy field.

It is based on the theory that the emotional and physical stress* disturbs the inner electromagnetic frequencies in the human cells, tissues and body organs. By re-establishing these frequencies in their natural condition, physical and mental wellness is ultimately achieved.


Stress is a spontaneous, psychological and physical reaction of the organism towards a menace or demanding stimulus. Physical and emotional stress are often interdependent affecting each other. Thus psychological, stressful factors (intrapersonal relationships, working conditions, financial difficulties etc) result to emotional anxiety which gives turn to a range of physical reactions. Accordingly chemical and biological stressful factors (unhealthy diet, inflamations, hormonic disruption, chronic diseases etc) create physical stress (organ, muscle, tissue strain etc) affecting daily routine and the psychological status of a person. Therefore a vicious circle is produced, which increasingly overwhelms a person's health condition, diminishes his immune system and causes serious health disorders.

Zervopoulos Nikolaos - Homeopathic